Would you like to know more about APTS or do you have a question about training activities in the ACT? Contact us today.
C/o The National Press Club of Australia, 16 National Circuit BARTON ACT, 2600

APTS hosts numerous member meet-up events during the year at our home base, the iconic National Press Club of Australia. The meet-ups are a great opportunity to informally chat and mingle with other providers, Skills Canberra representatives and supplier businesses about industry issues, opportunities and changes that may effect your training business. APTS encourages open communication and information sharing as a means to inform and educate members on industry matters. Click below to view details of our next networking event.

APTS represents your interests at a local Government level. We have regular meetings with Skills Canberra representatives including the Director of Training and Tertiary Education in the ACT. APTS Committee Members sit on many training and education advisory boards, 'task forces' and 'think tanks' to ensure the interests of private training providers are considered in the development of ACT education and training policy.
Recent Activity
Report on the potential impacts of the 2020 User Choice and Skilled Capital funding cuts.
Letter of response from Chris Steel MLA
APTS letter to Chris Steel MLA

Become an APTS member and contribute to the collective voice of the private VET sector in the ACT. APTS membership is extremely affordable and is open to individuals ($170 p.a) and organisations ($350 p.a).

APTS is a member-based volunteer organisation established to represent providers of training services in Canberra, ACT, and the region. We have a keen focus on representing independent Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers that hold an ACT Training Initiative Funding Agreement (TIFA). APTS believes that competition and full contestability for ACT Government funds for VET are essential in driving productivity, continuous improvement, and responsiveness to industry and employer needs.